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The Headache Blog

What Hangover Headache Cure Works Best?

What Hangover Headache Cure Works Best? Keep in mind that each individual suffering from the effects of a drinking binge the morning after will have his or her go-to hangover headache cure. Other individuals may or may not agree with said cure but the bottom line is that if it works for the person, then it works! Let Your Body…read more →

Breathing Exercises for Headache Relief

Tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back is the most common cause – approximately 90% of headaches stem from it – of headaches; the rest are caused by migraines, illness and injury as well as sleep deprivation and hunger. Fortunately, breathing exercises for headache relief can be easily adopted and the results are almost immediately felt. But it must…read more →

Four Simple Headache Prevention Exercises for Office Workers

Four Simple Headache Prevention Exercises for Office Workers Hours spent working in front of the computer can lead to a wide range of physical symptoms including back pain, sore shoulders, and headaches; the latter as probably the most annoying considering the amount of mental work necessary for computer-related activities. Fortunately, office workers have these four easy-to-do headache prevention exercises to…read more →

Natural Headache Remedies

Natural Headache Remedies Everybody Should Know The following natural headache remedies will provide pain relief in both the short-term and long-term periods. Keep in mind that the onset of headaches can be prevented and warded off by natural means – not expensive over-the-counter and prescription medications! Just Relax When you start experiencing the symptoms of an impending headache, your first…read more →

Causes of Heat Headache Everybody Must Know

The summer season is here again! Bikinis are in, barbecues are in but so are the possibilities for heat headache attacks. Keep in mind that the sun can be both friend and foe for mankind – friend because life depends on it and foe because overexposure can result in health issues. Indeed, the cause and effect relationship between heat and…read more →

Cause and Relief from Diet Headache Attacks

Did you know that approximately 30% of migraine and/or headache attacks are caused by weight loss-related dieting issues? Yes, you may be suffering from diet headache attacks wherein your brain and body reacts to the decreased calorie intake, the increased exercise levels, and the increased stress levels brought by the pressures of weight loss. Fortunately, diet headaches can be resolved…read more →

ABC of Reflexology for Headaches

Headaches affect the quality of life for afflicted individuals for obvious reasons – the pain on the head, forehead and even the face can range from mild to severe so much so that playing, working and doing anything are out of the question. Fortunately, many alternative treatments are available with reflexology for headaches as one of the most effective options….read more →

The Connection Between Headache Location and Headache Type

When you first come into your family physician’s clinic regarding your headache attacks, you will be asked several questions related to the frequency, severity and duration of the pain experienced with your headaches. Your doctor will also ask specific questions about the headache location for a reason – the location of the headache can provide clues as to the type…read more →

Alternative Cluster Headache Treatments

For years, headache prevention has been the priority for patients who experience cluster headaches. These preventive measures include avoiding headache triggers, taking preventive medication, and undergoing surgery. Unfortunately, these measures don’t guarantee that a patient diagnosed with cluster headaches will remain pain-free for life. This makes options for abortive treatment necessary to experience relief from this extremely debilitating chronic headache…read more →

Children Get Migraines, Too!

One common misconception is that only adults get migraines. That simply isn’t true. In fact, many migraine patients have reported that their headaches began during childhood or adolescence. The Truth about Children and Headaches Whenever a child is not feeling well, it’s natural for parents to worry, especially if the child is in pain. Fortunately, most of the headaches children…read more →

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