Tension headaches may be one of the most common types of headaches yet their causes are not as understood as other types. Fortunately, scientists including healthcare professionals like doctors can identify the symptoms, diagnose the condition, and provide for effective treatments for tension headaches – truly, bright spots in the otherwise gloomy hours when an attack strikes.
Consensus on Causes
Scientists agree on the following causes or triggers for tension headaches in their sufferers:
And even in the same individual, the triggers for his tension headaches may vary from one attack to the next although a pattern can be made; this is where keeping a headache diary comes in.
This discussion on the common causes of tension headaches has a valid reason: When you can identify your triggers, you will be in a better position to avoid these triggers so you can enjoy a better quality of life – look, Ma, no more tension headaches!
Cure and Care Measures
When a tension headache attacks, you are justified in thinking that it will never end and your life is ruined because its symptoms are, indeed, painful. Your symptoms usually include dull pain that feels like extreme pressure being applied by a tight band around your head with the pain worse in the scalp, temples and/or back of the neck sometimes radiating to the shoulders.
Your suffering may be as short as 30 minutes or as long as 7 days so much so that you may have difficulty in sleeping as well as bouts with nausea, dizziness and vomiting. Your symptoms may be relieved by massaging the affected areas but these can also be worsened by stress, fatigue and sensory stimulation (i.e., noise and glare).
Fortunately, you can look forward to bright spots with the following cure and care measures:
Of course, the brightest spots in tension headaches – these are not associated with brain diseases including tumors and these are not likely to cause serious medical problems. With proper care, you can be largely free of these painful episodes!