Effective Parenting Tips for Migraine Sufferers

Migraines, sadly, can attack at the most inconvenient times for parents – when you are in the thick of household chores, in the middle of a parents-teachers meeting, and in the midst of birthday party preparations, for example. Juggling parenting responsibilities can be more difficult, to say the least, because the symptoms of migraine including the severe headache, nausea, and sensitivity to light and noise are debilitating.

Fortunately, you can still be a good parent even with migraine! The key is in the effective management of your symptoms, in your effective preparation, and in your positive approach toward your condition.

Prepare For Your Day

Many migraine sufferers are able to adopt effective management of their condition by preparing for their day. By planning your day, you are more likely to lessen the frequency, intensity and duration of your symptoms, thus, providing for more opportunities to enjoy your role as a parent.

  • Pack a healthy snack and lunch for yourself just as you do for your children. Keep in mind that skipping meals or going hungry can trigger migraines so it makes sense to have food and beverages on hand before your hunger pang strikes.
  • Set an alarm on your mobile phone. This is a useful tip when you have difficulty remembering your anti-migraine medications or eating your healthy snacks.
  • Always keep your medications on hand. Many of these medications can, in fact, significantly lessen the severity of a migraine attack, if not prevent the attack when coupled with other preventive measures.
  • Plan your day so that you have rest periods in between work in the office and/or chores in the house. Keep in mind that stress can trigger a migraine attack so it is important to manage it with rest and relaxation periods during the day.
  • Choose quiet activities and places to enjoy with your kids. Read a book, play with play dough, or bake simple cookies, for example.

Indeed, planning can be the difference between enjoying your day with your kids or staying in bed while fighting off your migraine attack.

Identify and Avoid Your Triggers

Each migraine sufferer has a set of triggers that precipitate and/or worsen attacks – you have yours, too. The trick is in identifying and avoiding your set of triggers so that you can lessen the frequency of your attacks.

Are you unsure about your unique set of triggers? Keep a headache diary! You must record the onset, pain level, and possible triggers as well as the duration of your migraine attacks. Your meticulous record should also include factors that worsen the severity of your symptoms like lack of sleep, menstruation cycle, and changes in weather, among others.

Talk to Your Family

Your support system is as important as your pain medications, too. Talk to your family especially your kids about your migraine, discuss with them about your symptoms and the ways that they can help, and calm their fears about your condition.

In the end, you have the responsibility of taking matters into your hands, so to speak, instead of letting migraine take the better of you and your family.

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